Monday, November 1, 2010

Join us this Friday! Cards of the Tarot re-imagined by Portland artists...

Over 100 artists are creating their artistic representation of their selected card based on their own interpretation of its meaning and symbolism.

Join with us as we celebrate the rich and vast array of local talent and view unique and perhaps quirky, absurd or campy interpretations of the Tarot deck art. Artwork will be on display throughout the months of November and December.

Opening Reception Party including tarot readers, hoop-dancers, music, etc.
Date: Friday, November 5, 2010
Time: 7pm-9pm
Location: Splendorporium
3421 SE 21st Avenue
Portland, OR 97202
Here is the list of fabulous artists participating in the Portland Tarot Art Show!

Adrienne Fritze
Alexa Lewis
Alice Dean
Alison Gayne
Amanda Lee James
Amelia Opie
Amy Myeis DeNies
Andrew Rivera
Andy Davison
Angel Roman
Anna Magruder
Anna Todaro
April Kim
Ariel Kaplan
Birdie Marmaduke
Blanca Plata
Bonnie Meltzer
Cathie Joy Young
Charlotte Pulitzer
Chris Haberman
Clara Dudley
Coleen McIntyre
Colleen Nevins
Colleen Patricia Williams
Conner McDonald
Cyndy Chan
Cynthia Heise
Dana Henderson
Daphene Furra
Eartha Forest
Elliott Wall
Eric Swenson
Erika Lee Sears
Erin Duffy Osswald
Gina Reed
Gracie Cambpell
Heide Davis
Iris Kern
Jack Gamboa
Jennifer Cox
Jennifer Feeney
Jennifer Mercedes
Jessica Johnson
Jim Brinkmeyer
Joanne Licardo
John Mcclain
John Osswald
Karen Radd
Kat Seale
Kenneth Botsford JR
Kindra Crick
Kris Castell
Lauren Waldinger
Lea Peace
Leisa ReFalo
Linda Sawaya
Lisa Kaser
Lisa Valle
Liv Rainey-Smith
Louis Delegato
Margot Berlin
Marianna Gordon
Matt Scholozsky
Michael Mann
Michelle Gallagher
Milton Tucker
Morgaine Faye
Nathanial Joseph Ashby
Nell Werner
Nicole Rollins
Nina Kirby
Noah Thorne
Pattie Palmer-Baker
Pawnee Furra
Robert Gerhardt
Robin Ator
Robin Phillips
Rosemary Sheets
Ross Christy
Ryan Williams
Sandra Santoro
Sara Crooks
Sara Hamill
Sara Morrigan
scott chase
Shannon Covington
Shanon Playford
Shara Chwaliszewski
Shawn Demerest
Sheryl Riley
Stacey Emerick
Stephanie Ayhens
Stephanie L. Gillette
Susie Croxton
Suzy Laruffa
Tara Murino-Brault
Tatiana Kotov
Teresa Bergan
Terrence Gasca
Theresa Andreas-O'leary
Theresa Pridemore
Vanessa Gonzalez
Viktoria La Paz
Virginia Flynn
Wendy Marshall
Zach Roy
Zeretha Young